Cemetery of Negativism, Baguio

Ever heard of a place where you can bury negativity? Negative thoughts? Emotions? Bad Habits? Vibes? Well, welcome to the Cemetery of Negativism (also known as "The Lost Cemetery") found adorning a slope of a hill at Camp John Hay, Baguio.

When Orvic first mentioned the place, he initially said it was a Pet Cemetery. And what came running in my mind was another creepy, chilly site which reminded me of that 1989 horror movie, Pet Sematary. I honestly thought it would be a cemetery where people bury their pets. But when we reached the place, I saw the sign which said "Cemetery of Negativism" so now I thought that it may be a place where we could write down our bad feelings and bury them somewhere. I was actually quite excited because just before we went into this trip I had gotten into a huge fight with a fake friend at work. And this was something I needed! I could literally bury her there. Nah, just kidding.

However, when we had set foot in this fenced place it was actually quite different to what I had initially expected. But still very fun & fascinating. There were no creepy gravestones or bodies of fake friends or pets buried six feet under. Haha. What you will find are merely cartoon/animal statues that represent as tombstones with very comical epitaphs that will certainly make you laugh. I suggest checking each one when you get to visit.

And just like what the old guy by the entrance quoted, "Those who rest here have died not in vain – but for you a stern reminder. As you leave this hill remember that the rest of your life. Be More Positive." and I certainly have been more positive ever since. Or have I? Haha.

Well, anyway... here's the photo I posted on Instagram from this place. And the caption really came from the bottom of my heart (with real feelings too!) when I first posted this. Haha, just kidding. But this place did help lighten up my mood right after an ex-friend's betrayal. Thank you, Camp John Hay!

Wish they had a cemetery to bury negative people in your life too. Just kidding. ðŸ˜‚ #baguiocity#cemeteryofnegativism #wheninbaguio


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